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    Chit Fund in Mumbai

    The following monthly schemes are available in Mumbai:

    Monthly Schemes:


    Chit Amount

    Instalment Amount



    Maximum Bid Limit

    AA 50,000 2,000 25 25 25 %
    AJ 1,00,000 4,000 25 25 25 %
    AP 1,00,000 5,000 20 20 25 %
    AF 75,000 2,500 30 30 25 %
    AG 3,00,000 10,000 30 30 25 %
    RR 30,00,000 1,00,000 30 30 25 %
    MV 5,00,000 12,500 40 40 25 %
    SK 10,00,000 25,000 40 40 25 %
    MN 20,00,000 50,000 40 40 25 %

    Quick Links to our other centres:

    Chit Fund in Chennai, Chit Fund in Bangalore, Chit Fund in Delhi, Chit Fund in Kolkata