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    Chit Fund in Bangalore

    The following monthly schemes are available in Bangalore:

    Monthly Schemes:

    Chit Value


    Monthly Subscription

    No. of Months & Members

    Maximum Bid In Percentage


    50,000 KR 2,000 25 25
    1,00,000 KP 4,000 25 25 Very Popular Group
    1,50,000 KC 5,000 30 25
    3,00,000 KW 10,000 30 25 Very Popular Group
    3,00,000 KT 15,000 20 20 Minimum Assured Dividend Group
    Very Very Popular Group
    6,00,000 KB 20,000 30 25 Very Popular Group
    9,00,000 KM 30,000 30 25
    15,00,000 KO 50,000 30 25
    20,00,000 KK 50,000 40 30

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    Chit Fund in Delhi, Chit Fund in Mumbai, Chit Fund in Chennai, Chit Fund in Kolkata