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    Chit Fund in New Delhi

    The following monthly schemes are available in Delhi :

    SI.No Chit Series Chit Value Installment Amount (Rs.) No. of Tickets Period Maximum Bid Limit
    1 AS 1,00,000/- 5,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    2 SB 2,00,000/- 10,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    3 CS 3,00,000/- 15,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    4 CL 3,00,000/- 10,000/- 30 30 Months 25%
    5 LE 5,00,000/- 25,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    6 EL 5,00,000/- 20,000/- 25 25 Months 25%
    7 FS 6,00,000/- 30,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    8 JS 10,00,000/- 50,000/- 20 20 Months 20%
    9 JJ 10,00,000/- 40,000/- 25 25 Months 25%
    10 OLS 15,00,000/- 50,000/- 30 30 Months 25%
    11 YL 25,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 25 25 Months 25%
    12 YY 45,00,000/- 1,50,000/- 30 30 Months 25%

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    Chit Fund in MumbaiChit Fund in BangaloreChit Fund in Kolkata, Chit Fund in Chennai